As the day of my big move to Portugal creeps closer, I’ve found myself living in a curious tug-of-war between two very distinct parts of my personality. On one side is the practical Dutchman, the part of me that thrives on structure, plans, and spreadsheets. The side that insists on having everything meticulously organised before I even step foot on Portuguese soil. On the other side is the free-spirited adventurer, the one who’s whispering, “Why not just see where the wind takes you?” and urging me to embrace the unknown with open arms.
Preparing for life abroad is proving to be an odd dance between these two inner voices—and, let me tell you, it’s an interesting process to navigate.
The Free-Spirit Adventurer: Embracing the Unknown
On the flip side, there’s this voice in me—the free spirit who’s been waiting for years to take this leap and live abroad. To be honest, not my first dance down this path, but this time is different. This part of me dreams of a more relaxed, spontaneous approach to life. The one that imagines strolling through a Portuguese market, with no agenda or timeline, discovering hidden corners of the city and just living in the moment.
This voice is far more carefree. It’s telling me, “You don’t need to have it all figured out! You’re moving to Portugal for the adventure—just go with the flow.” This part of me is fully ready to leave behind the comfort of routines and deadlines, throw caution to the wind, and let Portugal unfold at its own pace.
And honestly, the idea is incredibly appealing. The freedom to just explore, make mistakes, and discover things as they come. After all, isn’t the whole point of moving abroad to break out of the predictable? To experience something fresh, exciting, and maybe even a little chaotic?

Finding balance: The best of both worlds
What I’m starting to understand is that there’s no need to choose between being practical and being adventurous. There’s room for both. Yes, I need to get my ducks in a row before moving to a new country—making sure all the paperwork is in place, packing the essentials, and understanding the basics of Portuguese life. That’s the responsible, practical side that ensures I don’t get blindsided by the realities of such a big life change.
But there’s also a beauty in letting go and trusting the process. No matter how much I prepare, life has a way of surprising you, especially when you’re moving abroad. And maybe that’s the point. To leave space for those unexpected moments and the joy of discovering a new culture organically, rather than trying to plan every step in advance.
So, in the end, my Dutch practicality will guide me through the logistics, but my free-spirit adventurer will make sure I truly experience the richness of life in Portugal.
The adventure awaits
As I move closer to the big day, I’m learning to embrace this internal tug-of-war. The spreadsheets and lists aren’t going anywhere, but I’m also reminding myself to leave some room for the unknown. After all, that’s where the real magic of moving abroad happens—in those unplanned moments, the serendipitous encounters, and the experiences you can’t put on a checklist.
The adventure of moving to Portugal is about to begin, and while I may have a plan (or two), I’m ready to let the journey unfold in its own way.
Here’s to the Dutch in me who keeps things running smoothly, and the adventurer in me who’s ready to dive into the unknown. Together, I think they’ll make a pretty good team. I have to smile while writing that down. At the same time scared and excited.
I’ll catch you in the next one. Até à próxima!
com carinho,